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Header The Moisturizer - Irritation: what is it and how to prevent it

Irritation: what is it and how to prevent it

Is your skin irritated? Do you experience redness, flushing or itching sensation? It’s time to adapt your skincare routines to help your skin rebalance itself. If you want to know what cosmetics you should use (and which to stop using), this guide is what you need to read today. Help your skin with me!

Header The Moisturizer - Skin spots: causes, types and treatments

Skin spots: causes, types and treatments

Are you worried about skin spots and blemishes? Do you have hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation? There are different cosmetics (like vitamin C, retinoids, azelaic acid…) that may help you improve your skin spots, but they all may not be what your skin needs. I’ll show you the best skincare products to reduce your skin spots!

Header The Moisturizer - REVIEW: Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream

REVIEW: Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream

Is your skin sensitive? Does your skin irritate easily? The Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream moisturizer might be what you need to calm your skin, in this review I’ll tell you about the ingredients it includes, its texture, how to use it, where to buy it and if it’s for you. Let me show you!

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