Privacy policy. Cookie policy. - The Moisturizer
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Privacy policy. Cookie policy.



  • Identity: The Moisturizer.
  • Commercial name: The Moisturizer.
  • Address: 08001, Barcelona.
  • Email:
  • Activity: Blogger.

Ignacio M., responsible for THE MOISTURIZER and the website has adapted this website to the demands of Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD), Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, de desarrollo de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas (RGPD) and Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSSICE).




In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation, the following principles will be applied in the processing of personal data:

  • Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: Consent will always be required for the processing of personal data for the specific purposes that will be previously reported with full transparency.
  • Principle of data minimization: Only the data strictly necessary for the required purposes will be requested.
  • Principle of limitation of the storage period: The data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the purposes of the treatment. Depending on the purpose, the corresponding conservation period will be reported.
  • Principle of integrity and confidentiality: The data will be treated in a way that guarantees the total security of personal data and its confidentiality. All necessary precautions are taken to prevent unauthorized access or improper use of user data by third parties.

This website respects and takes care of the personal data of the users. As a user, the rights are guaranteed. I never request personal information unless it is really essential to provide the required services. I never share my users’ personal information with anyone, except to comply with the law or if they have their express authorization. I never use personal data for a purpose other than that expressed in this privacy policy.

The personal data processed in The Moisturizer comes from the comment form.

For the purposes of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, the data sent through web forms will be treated as “Web users”.

For the treatment of user data, all technical and organizational security measures established in current legislation are implemented.




Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether the personal data is processed in The Moisturizer.

By providing the data, the user has the following rights:

  • Request access to personal data related to the interested party.
  • Request rectification or deletion of personal data.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of personal data.
  • Oppose the processing of personal data.

Those interested may access their personal data, request the rectification of inaccurate data or request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. In certain circumstances, users may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case they will only be kept for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances, for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. Such data will cease to be processed, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims. The interested party has the right to receive the personal data that concerns him and has provided, in a structured format, for common use and mechanical reading and transmit them to another person in charge of processing in the following cases:

  • The treatment is based on consent.
  • The data has been provided by the interested party.
  • The treatment is carried out by automated means.

By exercising the right to data portability, the user will have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from responsible to responsible (when technically possible).

Those interested will also have the right to effective judicial protection and to file a claim with the control authority, in this case the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, if they consider that the processing of personal data that concerns them violates the European Data Protection Regulation.




When a user connects to this website, they can provide personal information for which The Moisturizer is responsible. Among the personal data that may be included among this information are: IP address, name, physical address, email address, telephone number and other information. By providing this information, the user gives his consent for his information to be collected, used, managed and stored by, only as described in the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy.

On this website there are different systems for capturing personal information and the information provided by the interested parties is treated. In the registration form of the blog comments the user is required to provide their email, although it will not be stored. In this case, the following personal data are requested: Name, Email and Website. Once registered, the user can make as many comments as he wishes and respond to the previous ones.

Personal data is processed for additional purposes, namely:

  • Ensure compliance with the conditions of use and applicable law. This may include the development of algorithms and tools that help this website to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.
  • Support and improve the services offered by this website.
  • Other non-identifying data that are obtained by means of cookies downloaded to the user’s computer when browsing the web, as detailed in the cookie policy, are also collected.
  • To manage social networks, The Moisturizer can have a presence in social networks. The treatment of the data that is carried out of the people who become followers in the social networks of the official pages of, will be governed by this section, as well as by those conditions of use, policies of privacy and access regulations that belong to the social network that is appropriate in each case and previously accepted by the user of The Moisturizer. It will process your data for the purpose of correctly managing your presence in the social network, informing of activities, products or services of The Moisturizer, as well as for any other purpose that the social network rules allow. In no case will the profiles of followers in social networks be used to send advertising individually.

The Moisturizer does not sell, rent or transfer personal data that can identify the user, nor will it in the future, to third parties without prior consent. However, in some cases collaborations with other professionals can be made, in those cases, consent will be required to users informing of the identity of the collaborator and the purpose of the collaboration. It will always be done with the strictest safety standards.


Cookies and remarketing.

Cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize to user. The user’s browser memorizes cookies on the hard disk only during the current session occupying a minimum memory space and not harming your computer. Cookies do not contain any specific personal information, and most of them are deleted from the hard drive at the end of the browser session. Most browsers accept cookies as standard and, regardless of them, allow or prevent temporary or memorized cookies in security settings.

Without your consent by activating the cookies in your browser, the stored data will not be linked in the cookies with your personal data provided at the time of registration or purchase.

The user expressly accepts, for the use of this portal, the treatment of the information collected in the manner and with the aforementioned purposes. And also acknowledges knowing the possibility of rejecting the processing of such data or information by rejecting the use of Cookies by selecting the appropriate settings for this purpose in your browser. Although this option to block cookies in your browser may not allow you to fully use all the features of the web. You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.

The remarketing function allows reaching people who have visited before and associating a specific audience with a specific message. Remarketing is a method to get users who have visited this site to do it again. As a user of I inform you of information is collected for this remarketing function at

If you do not want your information to be collected by these cookies, you can disable the use of Google cookies through the Google Ads Settings. You can also disable the use of cookies from a third party provider through the disabling page of the Network Advertising Initiative.

This type of services allows you to interact with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this website. The interactions and information obtained through this website will always be subject to the user’s privacy settings in each social network. In the event that a service is installed that allows interacting with social networks, it is possible that, although users do not use the service, it will collect web traffic data related to the pages on which they are installed.



Legitimation for data processing.

The legal basis for data processing is consent. To contact or comment on this website, consent is required with this privacy policy. The prospective or commercial offer of services is based on the consent requested, without in any case the withdrawal of this consent conditions the execution of the subscription contract.

The data processed are from the category of identifying data. Specially protected data categories are not treated.

The personal data provided will be kept until its deletion is requested by the interested party or after one year from the last confirmation of interest.

Recipients to whom the data will be communicated.

Many tools used to manage data are hired by third parties. To provide services strictly necessary for the development of the activity, shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

  • Google Analytics: an analytical web service provided by Google, Inc., whose headquarters are located at 1600 Amphiteatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA9403, United States. Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files located on the user’s computer, to help analyze the use made by users of the website. The information generated by the cookie about the use of (including the IP address) will be directly transmitted and archived by Google on servers in the United States.
  • Hosting and web platform:, with address in Spain. More information at Ionos treats the data in order to perform its hosting and web platform services to The Moisturizer.

When browsing you can collect non-identifiable data, which may include IP addresses, approximate geographic location, record of how services and sites are used and other data that cannot be used to identify the user. Among the non-identifying data are also those related to your browsing habits through third-party services. This website uses Google Analytics as a third-party analysis service, using the information to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movements around the site and collect demographic information based on users as a whole.



Secret and data security. is committed to the use and processing of users’ personal data, respecting their confidentiality, and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the same, as well as to comply with their obligation to save and adapt all the measures to prevent the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations. cannot guarantee the absolute impregnability of the Internet network and therefore the violation of the data through fraudulent access to them by third parties.

With respect to the confidentiality of the processing, it will be ensured that any person authorized by The Moisturizer to process the client’s data will be under the appropriate obligation of confidentiality (either a contractual or legal duty).

When a security incident occurs, upon realizing The Moisturizer, you must notify the client without undue delay and must provide timely information related to the security incident, as it is known or when the client reasonably requests it.

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data sent to, exonerating The Moisturizer from any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and respond, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information on the contact or subscription form.

The user declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the treatment of them by The Moisturizer in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.

The consent given, both for the treatment and for the transfer of the data of the interested parties, is revocable at any time by communicating it to The Moisturizer in the terms established in this Privacy Policy for the exercise of ARCO rights. This revocation will not be retroactive in any case.




The Moisturizer is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein. All rights reserved.

By virtue of the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its mode of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, on any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of The Moisturizer.




The user must respect at all times the terms and conditions established in this legal notice. The user expressly states that he will use the portal diligently and assuming any responsibility that may arise from breach of the rules.

The user is obliged, in those cases that are requested data or information, not to falsify his identity by posing as any other person. The user accepts that the use of the Portal will be carried out for strictly personal, private and private purposes. The user may not use the portal for activities contrary to law, morality and public order as well as for prohibited purposes or that violate or injure third party rights. Likewise, the dissemination, storage and / or management of data or content that infringe rights of third parties or any regulations governing intellectual or industrial property rights is prohibited.

Likewise, the user may not use the portal to transmit, store, disseminate, promote or distribute data or content that are carriers of viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or impair the operation of any program or equipment. IT or telecommunications.

The user is obliged to indemnify and keep the portal harmless for any damage, loss, sanction, fine, penalty or compensation that the portal has to face.

The Moisturizer may, in its sole discretion, deny, withdraw, suspend and / or block at any time and without prior notice the access to information and services to those users who violate these rules.


This Privacy Policy may vary depending on regulatory requirements, so users are advised to visit it periodically. It will be applicable in the event that users decide to fill in a contact form in which personal data is collected.

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