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Header The Moisturizer - How to read the labels of cosmetics

How to read the labels of cosmetics

Did you know that all cosmetics must include the same information on their label? I’m sure that at least once you must have stared at a skincare product’s packaging without understanding some of its symbols or text. This post is the answer to all your question about cosmetics’ labelling (even the most difficult ones)!

Header The Moisturizer - What is sensitive skin and how to take care of it

What is sensitive skin and how to take care of it

Do you have sensitive skin? Does your skin irritate easily and feel itching, flushing, redness…? Taking care of sensitive skin may be difficult and finding the right products to include in your skincare routine can be a pain. With these tips you’ll learn how to take better care of your sensitive skin from now on!

Header The Moisturizer - How to create a skincare routine: basic guide

How to create a skincare routine: basic guide

Do you have the skincare routine you need? Skincare means creating the right skincare routines for your skin type and its needs, although the possibilities are endless. With this guide you’ll learn all my tips to choose the best cosmetics and have the beautiful, healthy skin you’re looking for! Let’s improve your skincare routines!

Header The Moisturizer - The 10 most common mistakes in your skincare routine

The 10 most common mistakes in your skincare routine

Does the perfect skincare routine exist? Even though aiming for perfection is often frustrating, having the right skincare routine is what we should aim for. We usually commit several avoidable mistakes in our beauty routines, so the tips and tricks you’ll find on this guide will certainly help you take better care of your skin!

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