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Tag: hyperpigmentation

Header The Moisturizer - Acne: causes, types and treatments

Acne: causes, types and treatments

Acne is one of the most common skin concerns. Minimizing those zits, pimples and comedones is often a difficult task that requires the supervision of a dermatologist. However, you can improve that acne with the right beauty routine and using adequate skincare actives. Do you know how can skincare help with your acne? Read on!

Header The Moisturizer - Skin spots: causes, types and treatments

Skin spots: causes, types and treatments

Are you worried about skin spots and blemishes? Do you have hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation? There are different cosmetics (like vitamin C, retinoids, azelaic acid…) that may help you improve your skin spots, but they all may not be what your skin needs. I’ll show you the best skincare products to reduce your skin spots!

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